Real Beautiful Women - Pennsylvania Edition
Real Cutie

Real Pretty

Real Hottie

Real Ridiculous Intentional Whale-Tail Pic

Note, this woman does NOT qualify as a Real Beautiful Woman. She is featured here for three reasons: 1) she's a prime example of someone who does not meet the Real criteria; 2) she put a picture of herself (if it's really her, that is) showing her thong on a personals site; and 3) she claims in her ad that her real name is Barbi. I'm calling shenanigans.

Real Pretty

Real Hottie

Real Ridiculous Intentional Whale-Tail Pic

Note, this woman does NOT qualify as a Real Beautiful Woman. She is featured here for three reasons: 1) she's a prime example of someone who does not meet the Real criteria; 2) she put a picture of herself (if it's really her, that is) showing her thong on a personals site; and 3) she claims in her ad that her real name is Barbi. I'm calling shenanigans.